Week 5 Post 2

My Target Market

First I think it is important to note that I want to open an ice cream shop. Ever since I decided that I wanted to open my own business and what I was passionate about, I always thought ice cream was a great representation. Originally I wanted to market to Mexican American market because I can relate to that. Now that I am growing older I am in a different part in my life. I have been considering going vegan for a while now so my market must also reflect those vegans in it.

My ice cream is going to represent me. In order for my business to thrive I need to focus on what I am good at and find those people and bring them too me. I live in southern California. One of our closest neighborhoods is Mexico. I am Mexican and grew up eating Mexican ice cream. So my main target the Hispanic community and ice cream lover. The vibe I want for my place is to be modern and focus on the younger generation or millennial. I feel like they are currently making a big difference, are a driving force and changing as I am.

Now that millennial are growing up, and food is changing I need to note that next big food trend or lifestyle is going to be vegan. Vegan food is so under represented. By me having a platform to serve food I will like to sell food that is also vegan. By having vegan options also the other consumers might be willing to not only try my new flavors but possibly switch. Once people switch to vegan options they need to go back to it and if I am the only ice cream place in the area with vegan ice cream they need to come back.

In the end my target market is somewhere in the millennial generation, with possible Latino background. I will also be targeting the new vegan life style that has been on the rise.


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